





"If you will not   fight   for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."


--Winston Churchill



There have been two articles recently in the Union Tribune regarding political independence. It is unfortunate that the principles of Freedom have been lost on so many Americans that they can be swayed by every new issue that comes along. Getting caught up in these issues causes them to lose the FOCUS ON FREEDOM that is badly needed to keep America from continuing its slide down the road to serfdom. There seems to be a trend that people who have been confused by the two major parties feel rudderless and are looking for a lifeline to grab onto. The FOCUS ON FREEDOM is that lifeline. Those who are independents have the same wide variety of issues as each of the other parties. It may be the evil of which Washington warned, not to have political parties. The reason is obvious. People are different and have different philosophies about how or who should run the country.  Since the most universal wish of mankind is Freedom it would make sense that the government people should be only those who will fight for Freedom. It is also obvious that the people who have been running the country for the past 150 years have done a poor job of it. America was founded on Freedom, but none of the administrations during that period have protected that Freedom. Freedom is the only issue in America. Any other issues are a taking of Freedom. The constitution put the government into a box with chains around it. If the people in government were kept in that box we would still have Freedom. It is the lack of commitment to Freedom that America suffers from. Everyone wants a piece of someone else. That is not, and never will, be Freedom. This is constant civil war.


Freedom is simple. Stay out of other people’s business and don’t take their stuff. We learned that before kindergarten but can’t seem to follow it in politics, because political agendas do not favor Freedom. Politics is personal and if it was treated as such there would not be this tyranny under which we all suffer. There are very, very, very few people who would do the harm personally to anyone else on a face to face basis that they do to each other in the voting booth. They are very brave in the voting booth. No one to face in there. The lack of focus on the principle of Freedom is overwhelming and dangerous. America fails if it does not have Freedom for all, and especially Freedom from government. The Constitution was very clear on who the enemy of Freedom is. All of the controls spelled out there are to keep the people in government strictly bound by its chains. The American peoples’ greed, benevolence, ego, arrogance, hate, love, power happy, ambition and imperialist thinking has corrupted the spirit of the Constitution and allowed the political manipulators room to maneuver.


The article in the Sunday 15 April 2012 "Declaring Political Independence" should be a declaration of independence from government rather than from any political party. No party will ever maintain Freedom in America. We should have learned that by now.


Freedom, like the scales of justice, sits on a very fragile balancing point. The slightest additional weight, or issue, on one side or the other throws it out of balance causing it to fall over and collapse. When speaking of government it is very important to keep Federal and local subjects separated because mixing them causes great confusion. The Federal government has very limited powers specifically limited to keep their hands off of anything that effects the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of all Americans, other than protect their Freedom. Most of the rest is left to the individuals or the states. The Constitution was not written to allow meddling in our lives.


With Freedom there is not much need for people to think carefully about issues that beset the country. They are not Federal issues so those types of issues are none of the Feds business. To be concerned in a national way about the nightly news is counter to the Freedom of individuals and will upset the balance of their Freedom. Being tired at the end of the day is a good thing because there are very few national issues in a Free country that require the input from the people. The big issues that face Americans today are government usurpations of power by the people in all political parties including independents. The people meddle too much in other people’s business. Our concerns should be how to unravel the 150 years of tyranny that they have collectively created. As for being a dysfunctional nation, a not so close look will clearly show that neither the people, nor the businesses, nor the nation is dysfunctional. It is only the government that is dysfunctional as it has not only not protected our Freedom, it has been the greatest enemy of our Freedom by burying us in laws, restrictions, executive orders, bureaucracies and hordes of officials to monitor, harass, jail, fine and control almost every facet of our lives. That is 100 times worse than King George ever thought of doing. If Ms. Forrest means middle is neutral she is correct . If she means middle leans in any direction then her complaints are caused by those who have the need to control the lives of others. Forcing the government to stay in neutral by the FOCUS ON FREEDOM will return America to the Dream it once was.


